love what you have, before life teaches you to love – tymoff


Life has a funny way of teaching us some harsh lessons. Often, it is through loss and difficult experiences that we truly come to cherish and love what we once took for granted. The quote “love what you have before life teaches you to love” is profoundly wise for this reason. It reminds us to be present and appreciate what we currently have in our lives rather than constantly longing for more or something different. If we fail to do this, life may intervene and forcibly teach us the value of what has now passed us by. In this article, we will explore the deeper meaning behind this quote and how applying its message can lead to a more joyful and meaningful existence.

Living in the Present Moment

One of the biggest obstacles that prevents us from loving what we have is our tendency to live detached from the present. Our minds are constantly wandering to the past or future, analyzing past events and circumstances, planning, or daydreaming of different scenarios. This continual stream of discursive thinking pulls us out of the here and now, where true experiences unfold. When we are not fully engaged with and aware of our current reality, it is easy to take for granted people close to us, our health, creative passions, or even mundane daily pleasures like having a roof over our heads or food on the table. We fail to stop and consciously appreciate these blessings that truly do make our lives rich.

Living fully in the present helps remedy this. It involves cultivating mindfulness – the practice of bringing one’s complete attention to the current experience, observation, or activity, whether external stimuli or internal mental and physical processes. When we make a conscious effort to be fully aware without judgement of each moment, giving our undivided attention to each task at hand, we naturally become attuned to life’s simple yet profound gifts. With a focused presence, everyday interactions and occurrences can turn from feelings of ordinary routine into experiences full of meaning. Daily chores transform into an opportunity for conscious living. Relationships deepen as we listen to our loved ones with compassionate care. Our innate capacity for wonder reawakens as we see familiar surroundings with fresh eyes. Mindfulness is how we slow down life enough to love what we have already been given.

Appreciating Small Joys

Another key to loving what we have is learning to find joy in small, simple pleasures rather than always seeking fulfilment through grand experiences, material possessions, or lofty accomplishments. Some of life’s richest moments are often surprisingly mundane – a home-cooked meal shared with family, a leisurely walk outside on a sunny afternoon, or quiet time spent engaging in a treasured hobby. Yet, in our fast-paced, goal-oriented society, we have become conditioned to overlook these subtle delights in favour of pursuing increasingly flashy stimuli, titles and experiences to define our happiness and self-worth.

Life teaches you to love what you lost

Making a conscious effort to shift our focus back to small daily joys is a simple yet powerful way to appreciate what we already have. It could mean taking five minutes each evening to reflect on three things from the day that brought you contentment, no matter how minor they may seem. Or set aside some time weekly for an enjoyable yet low-key activity like reading a book, doing a jigsaw puzzle, or unwinding in nature to train our mindset away from always seeking grandiose fulfilment. Recognizing richness in life’s subtle moments reminds us that true happiness stems not from seeking more but from learning to love where we already stand. It strengthens our connection to the present and our ability to find meaning in both prosperity and hardship.

Being Thankful for Hard Times

While most people associate the message of this quote with cherishing good fortune, it is equally important to learn to embrace hardship and difficult periods. Adversities, struggles and losses are an inevitable part of life that no one can avoid completely. How we perceive and choose to react to these challenging episodes truly defines our character and shapes our destiny. Some life lessons are only learned through facing adversity, and it is during low points that we come to appreciate high points truly.

Rather than resenting difficulties or feeling like a victim of circumstance, cultivating an attitude of gratitude even for hard times is key to deriving deep lessons from them. Some ways to do so include focusing on how a situation is helping us grow in strength, wisdom or compassion. Expressing thanks for what we still have rather than dwelling on what is lost. Finding silver linings like increased appreciation for health during sickness or strengthened relationships after going through struggles together. Looking at setbacks as opportunities to reinvent ourselves or chart a new course. With the right mindset, challenges can become our greatest teachers, showing us what truly matters most and spurring positive growth. They teach humility, resilience, and compassion – invaluable virtues that ultimately lead to a richer, more meaningful life.

Making Conscious Choices Daily

While the presence of mind, gratitude and embracing both ups and downs are important dispositions for fulfilling this saying, consciously choosing to love what we have each day is what truly makes the difference. It is easy for our minds to wander into past regrets or future desires if we cruise through life on autopilot. What we need instead is intentional daily focus directing our energies towards nurturing and expressing love for people and roles we currently have in a tangible, proactive way. Some examples could include:

  • Setting aside device-free quality time to connect with family and friends through activities like games, conversations or acts of service.
  • Sending handwritten notes to express gratitude for the support and encouragement of certain individuals in our lives.
  • Cooking meals at home together more often to strengthen bonds and save money.
  • Making a point to show affection through hugs, “I love yous”, and thoughtful gestures.
  • Appreciating one’s job or role by going above and beyond, learning new skills, and seeking fulfilment within available means.
  • Expressing thanks specifically for joys we may take for granted like functional bodies, shelter or creative outlets.
  • Limiting social comparisons by focusing inward on responsibilities and potential within our current situations.

Love What You Have, Before Life Teaches You To Love– Tymoff - DATOS

Making an effort to consciously channel our energy towards loving experiences and relationships available now is key to deriving profound fulfilment from this moment rather than always yearning for what may come. It forms the bedrock of a content, purposeful existence.

Preparing for Life’s Changes

While fully embracing present blessings, it is also prudent to prepare ourselves for changes life may bring, like loss of health, wealth, or loved ones. The only constant in this world is impermanence, after all. Some ways to do this include:

  • Appreciating each interaction as if it could be the last to reduce attachment and grievance when partings come.
  • Expressing affection and making lasting memories not just with words but quality time together.
  • We must learn to find purpose and meaning within ourselves rather than deriving it entirely from external factors like career, status, or relationships.
  • Developing self-soothing coping mechanisms like journaling, art, nature or spiritual practices to weather tough times emotionally resilient.

-Expressing gratitude daily as a habit so we do not take blessings for granted, even during hardships.

  • Making the most of current opportunities by living life to the fullest each day rather than postponing joy for an uncertain future.

Preparing mentally and emotionally in this way helps ensure we continue embracing life’s abundance no matter our circumstances. It is an insurance against future regrets of squandered moments and unsaid words. With presence, gratitude and foresight, we can truly love what we have at any stage.

Living According to this Mantra

In summary, adopting the mindset of this powerful saying entails living each day fully engaged in the present, cultivating a grateful outlook, embracing both easy and hard times as equally invaluable in our growth, consciously choosing relationships and responsibilities available to us today, and preparing resiliently for potential upcoming changes with wisdom and care rather than fear or hesitation. It is a holistic, mindful way of navigating this winding journey called life – one that promises profound inner peace and fulfilment regardless of external conditions. No one can predict what hand we will be dealt tomorrow. But we can commit to loving our current opportunities to the fullest as if each moment may be our last chance to do so. It is the key to living life well and with the fewest regrets.